Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tips on Writing a State-of-the-Art English Literature Dissertation

Here comes the time of final English literature dissertation writing. Before anything else you should understand that literature dissertation is quite longer than any other dissertation writing, and require a deep involvement with the area of research. As literature is a very elegant and deep subject, hence the assessment by university or college would be done at much higher standard than the assessment of other areas of studies.

Before moving further, it's important to discuss that what Literature is. According to Wikipedia, "Literature is the art of written works". Subsequently, when we see what English Literature is, Wikipedia now define it as, "English literature is the literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England".

While writing your English literature writing, you need to focus greatly on dissertation literature review. You should not mix the connotation of literature review with the main English literature dissertation. Literature review of dissertation is actually a part of the dissertation in which you deeply go through the written work done by the previous English writers, and cite the important points which are necessary for your English literature dissertation. I recommend reading the work of famous writers like Charles Dickens, William Makepeach Thackeray's, Bronte sisters, Oscar Wilde's, and Rudyard Kipling in order to find some great ideas for your English literature dissertation topics.

Don't forget to use the referencing style which is recommended by your university/college. Ask your supervisor about the style they follow before starting the literature review, and stick to it from start to end. Harvard, Oxford, APA, MLA and MHRA are some famous referencing styles used in dissertation writing. Usually, MLA style is used for the subjects like literature, arts, and humanities, therefore you will most probably be asked to use MLA style.

As you will go through an English literature based dissertation, error free and good standard of English will be required to avoid criticism and embarrassment. Moreover, take care that final copy of your English literature dissertation should not contain any grammar, typography and spelling mistakes. Proof read the final work several times, and also get it proof read by your friends and family members to make it a perfect English literature dissertation without a single mistake in it.


Of course, the time of dissertation writing is tough but the time could be interesting. Don't take your English literature writing as a burden, take it easy and do it systematically. Once, you understand how to write literature dissertations, no force in this world can stop you to complete your dissertation far before the expected completion time.

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