Thursday, December 9, 2010

Literature research paper

Literature research paper is an important part of the school and college curricula. It requires a lot of patience and hard work to make a proper literature paper.

Literature review is one of the great blessings of mankind. The reading habit is one of the

greatest resources of mankind.

We can look into their innermost heart of hearts. Borrowed

books are like guests in the house. They have to be handled with considerate formality.

our own books can be handled and enjoyed more freely. Favorite passages in them can

be marked for easy reference. Their pages can be dog eared. We should, therefore, start

building up a private library in our youth. Our book shelves should be free from doors

and windows. These should be freely visible and accessible. Our books are the best mural

decorations. They are our intimate friends. While sitting alone in the firelight, we are

surrounded by these friends in print. The awareness that the books are there at hand is in

itself stimulating and refreshing, even if we don’t read all of them.

The main point in making a literature research paper is the collection of different facts from different sources. Most of the data collected will be secondary in nature. Different types of sources can be used like reviews, dossiers, biographies, letters, diaries etc. for collecting vital data.

1) Letters: letters are often used by researchers as evidences in the study of the Polish Peasant. The authors Thomas and Znaniecki analyzed 754 letters exchanged between the Poles in the USA and those in Poland. Most of the educated persons write a number of letters during the course of their lives. Letters are the medium of expressions of the feelings, likes and dislikes, plans, attitudes, desires, emotions, ambitions and also important incidents of life. Letters are personal and reliable. Therefore, they constitute one of the most reliable sources of information about interrelationships, such as friendship, love, marital affairs, family tensions and divorces etc. In spite of so many advantages, letters have notable limitations, which are as follows-

a) It is difficult to collect private letters. In the first instance, many people do not preserve their letters for a long time. This is particularly true about those letters which consist of important secrets. Secondly, no one can pass off his personal or confidential letters to any other person

b) The letters do not provide detailed and complete description of incidents.

c) If letters of only one persons are secured, they hardly provide scientific data since no comparable information is available

d) It is difficult to imagine as to how much reliability may be expected in a letter. It may be absolutely false and descriptive. For example, love letters are generally full of artificiality, hypocrisy and deceit.

Literature is the immortal part of history and an enduring part of our personality. The great dead are beyond our physical reach. The great living beings are seldom accessible. But in our private library, we can communicate with even the most celebrated writers at any moment, through their books, in which they have laid themselves out.

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