Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Six Guidelines For Dissertation Literature Review

In the process of creating the work it is very important to pay attention to the dissertation literature review in order to prove your paper's accuracy. Dissertation literature review is a register or summary of used resources related to the topic of the dissertation project. Here are a few guidelines you should follow during the dissertation literature reviews writing stage.

Use evidence A literature review in this sense is just like any other academic research paper. Your interpretation of the available sources must be backed up with evidence to show that what you are saying is valid.

Be selective Select only the most important points in each source to highlight in the review. The type of information you choose to mention should relate directly to the review's focus, whether it is thematic, methodological, or chronological.

Use quotes sparingly The survey nature of the literature review does not allow for in-depth discussion or detailed quotes from the text. Some short quotes here and there are okay; though if you want to emphasize a point, but if you find yourself wanting to put in more quotes, check with your instructor.

Summarize and synthesize Remember to summarize and synthesize your sources within each paragraph as well as throughout the review.

Keep your own voice While the literature review presents others' ideas, your voice should remain front and center.

Use caution when paraphrasing When paraphrasing a source that is not your own, be sure to represent the author's information or opinions accurately and in your own words.

Now after you get draft in hand? The first thing is to revise. Spending a lot of time revising is a wise idea, because your main objective is to present the material, not the argument. So check over your dissertation review again to make sure it follows the assignment and/or your outline. Then just as you would for most other academic forms of writing, rewrite or rework the language of your review so that you've presented your information in the most concise manner possible. Be sure to use terminology familiar to your audience; get rid of unnecessary jargon or slang. Finally, double check that you've documented your sources and formatted the review appropriately for your discipline.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Literature Review Writing Help: Few Tips On Conducting A Literature Review...

A literature review is an explanation of what has been published on a subject by recognized researchers. Occasionally you will be asked to write one as a separate assignment (sometimes in the form of an annotated bibliography--, but more often it is part of the introduction to an essay, research report, thesis or dissertation.

Critical literature reviews help to write your literature review more effectively:

A literature review must do these things:

a. be organized around and related directly to the thesis or research question you are developing

b. synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known

c. identify areas of controversy in the literature

d. formulate questions that need further research

Before writing literature review ask yourself questions like these:

1. What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my review of literature helps to define?

2. What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research (e.g. on the effectiveness of a new procedure)? qualitative research (e.g., studies )?

3. What is the scope of my literature review? What types of publications am I using (e.g., journals, books, government documents, popular media)? What discipline am I working in (e.g., nursing psychology, sociology, medicine)?

4. How good was my information seeking? Has my search been wide enough to ensure I've found all the relevant material? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? Is the number of sources I've used appropriate for the length of my paper?

5. Have I critically analyzed the literature I use? Do I follow through a set of concepts and questions, comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them? Instead of just listing and summarizing items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses?

6. Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective?

7. Will the reader find my literature review relevant, appropriate, and useful?

Tips on writing a literature review (Hart 1998)

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thesis and literature review writing service with excellent professionalism guaranteed.

Thesis is a typical way to prove to the world what you believe in and what you have in your mind to prove to the people. A perfect thesis statement is the best way of setting your standards with your thoughtful research topic that you intend to prove to this world. A good thesis will be able to explain us by recollecting the facts. Thesis written should be comprehensible, understandable, and strong. A dissertation should be simple, convincing a strong point with people who reasonably disagree with it. The strong point should be like an argument where people should be able to argue and prove with a point that you are wrong. Here dissertation writers help in writing dissertation with excellent professionals to present your research presentation. Writers are a leader in academic writing service helping you in the course of academic writings for your research preparation. They are master in providing the writing services which enhances your professionalism with your dissertation presentation. It is good adding value to your research by providing innovative ideas to present in your research which makes it look more excellent. They assure you that you can expect true professionalism from the dissertation writing.

To select them is the right choices for various reasons since writers strive for the originality in the content they develop and providing a top quality in writing. Their value added service by providing extraordinary support in composing the data in the required format. Writers make every effort to achieve deadline in a short span of time. Literature review is a writing or method that endeavors to aim at the critical points of particular topics. Writers provide an excellent service provider for writing review articles with an extraordinary professionalism that you could ever dream off. These reviews are a derived sources and it doesn't report of any fresh or unique trial work. Writers help you in writing dissertation i.e. describing the advancements in a new idea of observation that is resulted from research and literature review works. Writers make your life easier by providing an excellent ideas on how to start with your work, keeping up you deadline rigid for the review works. Writers also help if there is someone who can lend you a helping hand to expedite your literature review works. The pricing there offer are very reasonable which everyone can choose for the service they offer. The prices are varied for people according to their graduation like undergraduate, master and Ph.D.

The professional writers collectively working in a team has all the basic essential knowledge in writing style and skill in analyzing the service requested, designing its structure, and presenting academic papers. The principal point which service provider focus upon is on the quality of the article written and they continuously strive towards enhancing their professionalism to best compete with other service provider in writing in this entire global space. What make them so special for you choose their literature review service? It is their skill in developing the reviews survey piece of writing, manuscript. So its time to grab in their writing services they offer.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Six Ways and Your Literature Dissertation Review is Done

If you want to prove the accuracy of your paper, you need to put much effort on your literature dissertation review. So, let us first discuss what a literature dissertation review is, it is a summary or register of all the used resources that is related to your dissertation project main theme. Here, we are giving away six surefire ways to that will take you through the difficult process of literature dissertation review stage.

You have to use evidence to prove your credibility:

I won't be wrong if I say that your dissertation review is just like academic research writing. Make sure your interpretation of the used sources is back up totally with the proofs and evidences so that it may enhance your credibility. This will also increase the interest of the reader for he may like the way you are proving your point.

Be very specific in selecting the points:

You need to be very specific while choosing the important points in each source to highlight in the review. Why I am stressing on being selective is because the type of information you will be selecting should directly link up with the literature reviews focus or the main idea. Be it, methodological, thematic or chronological.

Use quotes where necessary otherwise avoid them:

The basic nature of the literature dissertations do not allow the use of detailed quotes and in-depth discussion from the text. So, use it where necessary otherwise try to avoid it as much as possible. Some short quotes that are related to the topic can be used here and there; though if you want to stress on a particular point, but if you really want to use the quotes then ask your instructor.

Remember to synthesize and summarize your sources:

You should summarize and synthesize each and every source at the end of every paragraph and throughout your literature review. This will help to create a better understanding for the reader.

Keep and maintain your own voice:

Literature review usually presents other ideas as well, so here you need to concentrate and maintain your own voice in order to keep it in centre.

Be very cautious when you are paraphrasing:

Often people don't care while writing and fall under the category of plagiarism. This should be avoided as much as possible. One should be very careful while presenting someone else's ideas, it should be his moral and ethical responsibility to define the idea in his own words clearly that doesn't create any problem for you and the real author.

Now, that your draft is completed and it is in your hands, the first thing is to do the revision. Revise your work thoroughly as it will help you trace out the mistakes you had done in it. So check it again and again, and see if it is following the basic outline your instructor has provided you. Make sure you have used the common terminologies so that there is no hindrance in understanding your work and get rid of complicated and unnecessary slang or jargons. The final thing to check is to see if you have documented all your sources in your literature dissertation review and format it in a way that is appropriate for your discipline or taught by your instructor.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

3 Steps to Write Thesis Dissertations

Thesis and dissertations are the basic requirement for high level students to earn their academic degree. For this purpose, they work very hard and conduct original researches to come up with an impressive thesis for their dissertation. If students will follow a comprehensive guideline for their thesis dissertations it would surely help them to get good grades in their thesis dissertations. Here are the steps that students need to follow:

Step 1:

Introduction: In introduction, you will define your topic in the light of its background. Defining Objectives: Next, you should define the purpose of your study. Here are some of the most common objectives of dissertation:

* To address a specific problem.

* To explore changes about the topic.

* To evaluate causes and effects about the topic.

Scope and Limitations: Next, you should demonstrate your audience about the scope of your topic. You should also tell your readers about its applications and limitations to give them a broader perspective.

Literature Review: In this part, you have to give a review about the literature concerning with your topic. Your literature review may include journals, articles or books published already on the topic of your thesis dissertations.

Methodology: It can be qualitative or quantitative research however students have to perform both sometimes to address their research problems effectively in thesis and dissertations.

Step 2:

Data Analysis & Interpretation: Your business research won't yield you results unless you utilize the statistical tools for your dissertation. It's data analysis that will aid you a lot in interpreting your research problems.

Case Studies: Case studies would help you broaden the scope of your research.

Hypothesis: Hypothesis of data would either help you to prove or disprove your thesis.

Step 3:

Summary and Major Findings: Summary would aid you to conclude your dissertation topic. You should also tell your readers about some major findings concerning with your topic technically as a subsection.

Suggestions and Contributions: You would have found some subject matter related to your topic that needs improvement; therefore, you should give some suggestions to your readers about the topic in layman's language so that everyone can understand your viewpoint. You should also tell your readers about the contributions that have been made in the subject of your study.

Future Recommendations: It is the last part of thesis dissertations where you have to recommend your readers how further improvements in your study subject can be made.

After completing thesis and dissertations, students have to cite down the source that they have utilized for their thesis in bibliography; then they should mention the resources that they have used for their dissertation in Appendix.

Last but not least, you should concentrate a lot on your original research in order to address the problems effectively related to your topic on thesis dissertations.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to Structure Thesis Dissertation

A thesis dissertation is one of the longest forms of writing so this cannot be produced overnight. It is rather a painstaking process that requires a great research and findings. Only then a great dissertation thesis can be created.

Introduction, body and conclusion is not enough for dissertation writing, instead it is something more than that. There are various steps involved in order to create a high standard dissertation thesis. Let us now discuss those steps in detail.


Abstract in a thesis dissertation is not included in the formal word count and it should not be more then 300 to 400 words. This is basically a short summary of what a reader should expect in the coming dissertation. Half of it should explain what you will be doing in the dissertation while the rest of it should give some recommendations.


An introduction should posses ten percent of your thesis dissertation; it is an overview of the work you will be doing in the dissertation. At first, introduce the topic then point out the areas which will be covered in the thesis, lastly, underline objective of doing the thesis dissertation.

Literature Review:

Literature review should constitute 20% of whole dissertation, mind it, literature review is not a book review. This can only be applied here when it has direct relevance to the topic of your thesis dissertation. Remember to discuss at least ten references in your thesis and two to three different theories that should be discussed in your literature review. Also highlight the research questions that will be discussed in the dissertation.

Research Methodology:

This will also constitute 20% of your whole thesis and dissertation where you would be discussing the research program that would be incorporated in your dissertation, go back and see the research questions formulated in the literature review and choose the best method to address those questions.


This chapter can be divided into two parts, analysis of the research work and the final discussion and it should possess 30% of your whole work. Your analysis should be created from statistical data, questionnaires or interviews. Conclusion:

This will also be divided into two segment, first; the conclusion, secondly; recommendation for the future research. Here, you will evaluate what you have found until now. Make sure, you have addressed all the questions raised in the thesis and dissertation.


Keep in mind that both of the chapters will not be included in the word count. In bibliography, you get the opportunity to document all the sources that have been used in your thesis dissertation. All the entries in the bibliographies must be in alphabetical order while websites should be written after completing the bibliography.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dissertation Literature Review

Dissertation writing is one of the thorniest tasks which require a lot of time and efforts to be spent. But having the enthusiasm one can be come to the task in hand. Just think over the inspiration and you will definitely get an actual success. For one person gaining of the higher status can serve as the motivation, for another-the possibility to assert him/her.

Similarly review of the literature for dissertation writing is the task which demands some special attention from students. A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period.

Writing a literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new explanation of old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.

Here are some points that will help you in evaluating your review of literature

1. Does the researcher start by identifying a particular problem area?

2. Does the researcher institute the importance of the problem area?

3. Is the research a coherent essay with logical transitions from topic to topic?

4. Has the researcher provided conceptual definitions of key terms?

5. Has the researcher indicated the basis for “factual” statements?

6. Do the specific research purposes, questions, or hypotheses logically flow from the introductory material?

7. Are any underlying theories adequately described?

8. Does the introduction move from topic to topic instead of from citation to citation?

9. Overall, is the introduction effective and appropriate?

And for a closer look at Evaluating Dissertation help Literature Reviews, consider these additional points

10. If there is extensive literature on a topic, has the researcher been selective?

11. Is the literature review critical?

12. Is current research cited?

13. Has the researcher distinguished between opinions and research findings?

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